We enable organisations and individuals to develop and grow, achieve results and enjoy what they do.

As a passionate student of Neuroscience, Tom Brockhurst provides a tip to help us through these ongoing tough times – learn to be kind to yourself.

Neuroscience tells us that we experience physical pain in the same way we experience emotional pain. We can therefore take some insights from what we do when we have a physical ‘bump’ to what we can do to look after ourselves during the many emotional ‘bumps’ that Covid is currently throwing at us all.

When we experience a physical injury on the sports field, what do we do?

  • We take some time out of the game
  • We head to the bench
  • We get some treatment
  • We watch the game from the sidelines
  • We keep in touch
  • We head back into the game when we are ready

So what can we do for ourselves when we experience pain from the various emotional impacts of Covid? Tom believes it is really important to do whatever it takes to get yourself onto that metaphorical bench, give yourself that break, re-gather your senses and get back into the ‘game’ only when you are ready:

  • Put your hand up
  • Take some time out
  • Step away from your computer
  • Grab a cup of tea
  • Go for a walk
  • Call a friend
  • Get back to work when you are ready

We can help you generate that new habit of being kind to yourself so give us a call today.

Self-compassion – it really works!

To learn more, why don’t you give us a call on 1300 181 211 and see how we can help you.