We enable organisations and individuals to develop and grow, achieve results and enjoy what they do.

In the current climate, getting any job for the foreseeable future is the number one priority for many of us.

With extensive redundancies and ‘stand-downs’ due to COVID-19, identifying your key transferrable skills and mapping these skills to other industries in order to simply get a job has replaced the in-depth search for that perfect next role in a well-planned career.

Economists tell us that it will probably take a couple of years for the economy to get back to some form of ‘normal’; when it does, we can all get back to our career strategy and life plans.

In the meantime, our JobGetter Services will keep you engaged with the workforce and increase your opportunities to earn a wage; our immediate focus is on supporting you to find another job as quickly as possible. Acknowledging this may not be your next ideal career move, we will then keep in contact with you and offer further support when it’s time to re-visit your desired career path.

There have been so many recent stories of people finding jobs they would never have thought of before:  flight attendants are working in Aged Care Homes, baggage handlers are working in Distribution Centres, call centre operators are processing JobKeeper applications with Centrelink, the list goes on…..

What can you do to keep yourself going financially and mentally during the effects of COVID-19?

Our COVID-19 JobGetter Framework

We offer a range of services to suit your needs and budget and can customize our offerings specifically for you:

  • Interactive online modules and downloadable resources
  • 1 on 1 coaching (virtual or face to face)
  • Facilitated group coaching – for peer support and networking
  • Assessment and development tools
  • Follow up career check-in(s)

Program content includes:

Remedial financial advice.

Start the process by talking with a qualified financial planner who will:


Job Search Tactics:

Get your next job fast!  Your best job is still out there but it may just have to wait a while longer…..

  • What are the key skills you have right now?
  • Who is hiring?
  • Where are the jobs/organisations?
  • Get your resume, LinkedIn and networking going today
  • Get job search active, practice interviews and secure that new role!

Brockhurst Consulting has been offering comprehensive quality career transition and career management services for several years and provides an invaluable source of support when the job market is particularly tough and employment opportunities are more limited than normal.


Call us on 1300 181 211 today for an initial discussion as to how we can help.